So, the new year is officially here, the time of year most of us vow to make some important changes in our lives. This year my goal isn’t to lose 15 pounds, drink more water (though I should), or exercise more. Yes, these things are important to me, hence the reason these are my typical goals every year, but this year I have a different goal.
As my son gets older, the more I realize just how precious our time is together. He’s grown so fast before my eyes and before I know it, he’ll have another woman that will hold a special place in his heart (insert ugly cry). So, my goal this year and from here on out is to enjoy our moments together and create a special bond that will last a lifetime.
If you’re in the same boat as me and want to spend more quality time with your toddler this year, this post is for you. Here are some activities you can do to strengthen the bond between you and your toddler.
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1. Watch their favorite show with them
“Stay in here and watch TV with me!” These are the words that come flying out of my 5 year old’s mouth when he see’s me headed for the door to have some “me” time. But I have to remember that it’s not always about me and if I want to create a bond with him, I need to spend time with him doing what HE likes to do. You should do the same. Learn what gets your child excited. When you know what they like, you can better engage/understand them.
2. Play games together
Christmas and a January birthday means my son is never short on toys and games. Recently he got a few games like Jenga, Operation, Animal Upon Animal, Connect Four, and Trouble. One thing I’ve learned from playing games with him is that he is competitive and does not like to lose! Playing games with him gives me the opportunity to show him how to manage his feelings when he doesn’t like the outcome of the game (aka when he loses, lol!). Sharing these moments are always insightful for both me and him, even if he doesn’t recognize it. It’s definitely a fun way to teach some of lives most important lessons.
3. Share a meal
Sitting together at the dinner table promotes a certain closeness between those at the table. I admittedly don’t do this as often as I should, but I will definitely make an effort to do this more. Without the distraction of a phone or tv to interrupt the conversation, we are able to focus more on each other and find things to talk about to get to know one another better.
4. Make bath time fun
My son has been going between two extremes when it comes to bath time. He either loves it and doesn’t want to get out, or he hates it and wants to get out immediately after getting in, *sigh* typical toddler. Lately, he has been so excited to use the bath drops that his “Grammy” gave him. He mixes them to make the water change color and it keeps him in there longer. Try doing this with your toddler and hopefully they will associate bath time with lots of fun with mommy.
5. Blow bubbles outside
Sometimes I forget to enjoy life’s little moments. There is nothing like going outdoors and just enjoying the nice weather. I enjoy blowing bubbles and watching how my son’s face lights up in awe of them blowing wildly through the wind. He always challenges himself to blow the biggest bubble possible, which usually ends with most of the bubble solution wasting on the ground, nevertheless we still have a great time.
6. Take them to eat at their favorite restaurant
I’m always down for a dinner date. And while my son’s pallet may not be a sophisticated as mine dahling (turns nose in the air), I am willing to go for a slice of pizza or take a trip to Mickey D’s with my special little guy if that’s what will make his day.
7. Make up songs
Find silly things to make into a song. It can really be about anything you want. Usually if I’m in the room when my son is watching a show that has a song in it, I will take that song and make it my own. He really gets a kick out of that and starts singing along with me. It’s sort of like an inside joke between us, but in song form!
8. Let them help prepare a meal
My mom is very good about letting my son help her prepare meals and it’s something that I want to incorporate as well. Unfortunately, I hadn’t really had the patience to let him help me when I cook, but that is going to change. Seeing how he lights up when he helps my mom cooks makes me want him to experience the same with me. I don’t want to be the impatient, nagging mom that doesn’t have time for her child to make mistakes. Getting a little messy is all apart of the fun and makes things more memorable.
9. Read them a bedtime story
I’ve really slacked off on reading bedtime stories to my son. I’m always too sleepy by the time we wind down. This year, I will make a conscious effort to make this a part of his night time routine. My son likes when I read him Charlie and the Cheesemonster. I really get into character when I read to him and he always gets a kick out of it. These are the little moments that become the most memorable.
10. Share the same space as them
My son loves when I spend time with him in his room. He just loves the fact that I’m there in his territory spending time with him. He likes when I lay in his bed and watch tv with him and almost never wants me to leave. At this age, it really doesn’t take a whole lot to make kids happy, which I love! Enjoy it now, because it won’t always be this way.
11. Piggy back rides!
For some reason, my son loves to ask me for piggy back rides when I’m going down the stairs. He loves it when I go really fast and it always manages to put a big smile on his face. To be honest, this will probably be his last year of piggy back rides because mama is getting’ too old for this!
The smallest moments can create the biggest memories, so remember to slow down and enjoy your kids while they’re young. If you invest in your children now, you’ll have a bond that will last a lifetime.
What are you planning on doing to bond more with your toddler this year? Share your ideas in the comment section.